Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Another day, another prediction of imminent destruction because of Climate Change

Is it just me or is everyone else a little over the whole “Fight Climate Change or the Earth will be destroyed” rubbish. This time its Bonnie Prince Charles, that well know eminent climatologist who has predicted the end of the world (as we know it) if drastic action is not taken to combat Global warming within 100 months (or approx 8 years, but apparently 100 months sounds better)

Now, I am not a climate change denier (cue the heckling from the environmentalists). I believe that the planet is getting hotter and humanity definitely has had a role in this. But it’s the absolute arrogance that we puny humans can destroy the planet that gets to me.

The planet has been here long before us and will probably survive long after us. It has seen off meteors, numerous ice ages, dinosaurs, early human kind and no-doubt will survive anything that modern man/woman can throw at it. If the Earth was a boxer, it would be a heavyweight. Prince Charles seems to think that it is that nerdy kid who gets beaten up after school every day.

It's time to face facts. The ship has sailed. Dramatic climate change is upon us and I believe there is not a great deal we can do to prevent it from happening. I think we should forget about saving the planet and start thinking about saving ourselves.

This, I believe, is a worthy goal. Humanity is one of the most adaptable species on earth. We have landed people of the moon, have had people living in space stations for the past 20 years and have pretty much colonized every area on earth. I think we can deal with a couple of meters of water rises and an increase of 2/3% in temperature. In Hawaii, they call that a nice summer’s day with great surfing.

And it’s not as if one day we will be waking up and seeing the Pacific Ocean lapping at B&B’s in Katoomba. We will have plenty of warning of the impending apocalypse.

Some species of dinosaurs, such as sharks and croc’s, survived previous climate change events and they don’t even have thumbs. If we can create soup from these creatures, surely they can’t be as smart as us (apart from their skill at picking us off on beaches or in lagoons). People will evolve. We might be living in caves or under the ocean, but humanity will survive to pollute the world once more.

By the way, I have a nice cave going cheap in Jenolan. I'm sure it will have great water views by 2130.