Monday, June 24, 2019

Israel Folau - Few comments

Wow, been following along around the Israel Folau brouhaha, and its getting ridiculous

Couple of points.

1. Folau's commentary on Homosexuality is incorrect on a number of theological grounds. The Catholic church has come out over the years and said that while it believes that homosexual acts are morally wrong, being homosexual is not, due to God creating everyone in his own image. Like everything, the church judges the free will act, not the original state. And regardless, there is always scope for redemption so no, homosexuals will not automatically to go to hell.

2. That said, while I believe Folau is incorrect, his actual posts I don't believe were from a hateful place, but more in the form of a warning. I think that he believes he was trying to help people find the right path.

3. I do think he should have deleted the posts, which would have ensured he still will have a job. There are a lot of true believers in the unemployment queue (he is now one of them) and he could have still done his preacher work from the church pulpit.

4. That said, its becoming increasingly clear that formal religious protections in business for employees are non-existent. An informal  "don't ask, don't tell" policy seems to be in effect, which means you are accepted as long as you don't say anything.

5. Does business have the right to dictate its employees thoughts and beliefs, even when they are not relevant to their employment? We are seeing increasingly that breaches to specified "code of conduct" rules are resulting in dismissal (see James Dormore). In traditional workplaces this is less of an issue, as there are other companies and industries to be employed at. But when Governing bodies are dictating this, this could almost be classified as restraint of trade.

3. GoFundMe is the latest organisation to ban Israel Folau. So far the list is :-

Rugby Australia (Org)
NSW Rugby (Org)
Qantas (Company)
GoFundMe (Company)
ASICS (Company)
NRL (Org)

Will keep an on-going list as we go along.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

NRL Contenders - After Round 13

Well the contender list gets smaller and smaller.

We only have 2 locks left;

Melbourne Storm
South Sydney Rabbits.

Looking like the two finalists for mine.

Then we have 3 probables

Sydney Roosters
Canberra Raiders
Newcastle Knights

Rest may as well shut up shop now.