Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Go with the Flow…not!

Went to a Sydney Festival Event last Friday night (Australia Day). Saw a show called "Flow". According to the spiel on the Festival of Sydney’s Website, it was a "HipHop Dramatic performance" Now I was sceptical when I read that, but hey, we got the tickets free from the Goat-ette’s work (Sorry for the Nickname Babe, LY!) So we decide to rock up for the cultural experience.

Well it was an experience all right. And not a very good one. When we entered the auditorium there was a Dj station in one corner, a ring of sand on the floor and 4 cardboard boxes around the ring. Minimalistic theatre I was thinking. Probably should have walked out at that point J
And then the performers came out. There was a female DJ, (who to be fair wasn’t bad) and an American male who spent around 1 and a half hours rapping a story for us. I have to give him points for energy, but that’s about it.

The rap/story was about 7 people in his neighbourhood (the hood as he calls it) who told some stories about being better people and then died. A cautionary tale if ever I heard one. Just say no to changing the world.

And the rap was also pretty ordinary. He kept breaking into these "Beadycat, beadycat-cat" type space fillers at weird times. Maybe he forgot his words. That is probably why he was performing at a 300-seat auditorium rather than opening for 50 cent.

But it seems everyone else seemed to love the show. When the rapper finished, he got a standing ovation and came out for some curtain calls. Maybe the audience was thinking, "Bloody hell, I spent $25 on this, I might as well look as if I enjoyed it". As for the goat, if I had a tomato I would have thrown it.

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