Thursday, January 17, 2019

Gillette, the best a man can get?

Gillette ad is raising a storm in the press at the moment. And people are plainly confused about the message.

My opinion.

It is an anti-male ad in balance. The first half is about as blatant a dig at men as you can get. So many stereotypes

1. Men around a BBQ ignoring things.
2. Male chasing after the maid at home.
3. Male chorus laughing at sexist jokes
3. Male sexism in the workplace
4. Boys bullying at school.
5. Boys fighting in backyard.

Second half is better when it shows the positive behaviours from the men, which most men do all the time.

1. Men checking their mates predatory behaviours
2. Men protecting children
3. Men being good fathers to daughters.

But the reaction of men of the video clearly shows that they remember the first bit, more that the second bit. Which is a problem. Unless you remember the second bit, you don't get the perceived payoff from the ad...that men rock!

It leads me to some weird confusing thoughts. I agree a lot with most of the behavioural message in the ad. I break up boys fighting when I see it as Dad. I teach my boys to respect women. But bullying actually has an evolutionary aspect to it which we ignore at our peril. Learning to stand up to bullies is a life skill that every child, male or female needs to handle. Builds resilience. And flirting with women at parties or even in the street may be welcome or unwelcome, but hardly bad behaviour if respectful and light.

And I guess that is what I feel when I watch the ad. The Ad is advocating social norms that some people may not necessarily agree with. Not sure it should be doing that.

Hmm, will need to think more about this. More to come.

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