Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Guitar Playing - Beginning

I have standard to teach myself how to play the guitar, so I figured I would use my blog to chart my experiences in the case someone else can learn from my experiences.

Have spent the last 2 nights having a go. My aim is to eventually play "Play it again" by Luke Bryan. I have developed a love of country music from some where in the past 3 weeks. Bizarre

Anyway, I have dusted off my guitar which has been in storage for around 15 years. So not in tune.

I downloaded the Fender Tuning app which is remarkably good at tuning guitars. My guitar is now in tune. Would definitely recommend that as a tuning tool.

Also bought myself a guitar pick. $1. No dramas.

I have started learning my first 2 chords..the Open G chord and the Open C chord. I seem to get the G chord more than the C one, which seems a  stretch on my fingers. I don't think I have my fingering positions quite right as my C chord seems to muffle a couple of the strings.

I think I am using the pads on my fingers rather than the points. Will try that tonight to see if I can get a better sound.

Have also tried the Fender Play videos on Youtube. Not sure about them to be honest as I prefer the Fret diagrams and the Fender Play stuff doesn't see to spend a lot of time on them.

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