Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Gilead economics

Back onto my favorite theme at the moment, "Handmaids Tale"

I was wondering what a Gilead economy would look like...

1. Would be a closed economy. I would assume UN sanctions would be being applied to the US and trade would be highly regimented with the outside world. The service based/manufacturing base would clearly be non-existent, with the exception of the weapons industry and of course fertility.

2. I would assume it would go back to a commodity/agriculture based economy. Land and minerals are still in large supply in the US so farming and mining would definitely need to be utilized to gain hard currency.

3. Would be heavily nationalized. From all accounts there is no private sector at work supplying goods and services. There would have been capital flight at the start of the Gilead experience.

4. Slave labor force. It is clear there are no wages being utilized

5. Low energy. Electricity does not seem to be utilized in any large form. However, military vehicles appear to be plentiful and in numbers, so that would assume oil drilling would still need to be employed.

6. No currency. Seems like a voucher system is being employed as a unit of exchange.

7. There is a black market in operation for luxury goods like cigarettes. Based on these qualifications it would be clear that smuggling would be a very profitable exercise.

Also, a slave labor force would be useful in labor intensive activities like agriculture, as well as cleaning up the colonies. I'm also surprised that the mining sector isn't heavily mentioned. It would be by far the best way to fund the governments activities, especially as the world has generally looked away from human rights violations for oil and gas producers.

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