Tuesday, August 20, 2019

NRL '19 Ranking of the best Hookers

Standard Methodology as before

QUALITY (in order)

1. Damien Cook
2. Cameron Smith
3. Josh Hodgson
4. Isaac Luke
5. Robbie Farrah

*ALL OVER > 0.5 SD better than the average

OK (in order)

6. Cameron McInnes
7. Andrew McCullough
8. Danny Levi
9. Reed Mahoney
10. Apisai Koroisau
*Between 0.5 and -0.5 SD than average

SHIT (in order)

11. Jake Granville
12. Nathan Peats
13. Jayden Brailey
14. Sam Verrills
15. Michael Lichaa
16. Mitchell Kenny

*Less than -0.5 SD than average.

Weird that the Knights want to get rid of a OK hooker in Levi, for a shit one in Brailey. I think Levi is getting the blame for a lack of attack from the 5/8th

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