Monday, September 23, 2019

Confirmation Preparation - A good way to start reconnecting with your faith

Been feeling a little more religious these days as I have been attending Confirmation Preparation with my son.

Its interesting how spending a little bit more time listening about God can re-introduce some new concepts and thoughts about the role of religion in your life.

Any way, this week it was all about the 7 gifts that God gives you (via the Holy Spirit( when you are confirmed that produce the 9 fruits.

The 7 gifts are

Wisdom (Intellect) - Application of Understanding over time
Counsel (Intellect) - Making the right choices
Fortitude (Will) - Being courageous
Understanding (Intellect) - Application of Knowledge to a particular issue
Piety (Will) - Respecting the relationship with God
Fear of the Lord (Will) - Awe of the God
Knowledge (Intellect) - See things through Gods eyes.

The 7 gifts are then supposed to manifest themselves in ourselves by changing our behaviours. The behaviours are called the 9 fruits...I have tried to match up the gifts with the fruits, but I think in actuality all of them have some role to play in each fruit.

Love - Fortitude/Knowledge
Joy - Knowledge
Peace -Piety/Fear of the Lord/Wisdom
Patience - Fortitude/Knowledge
Kindness - Understanding
Goodness - Counsel/Knowledge/Fear of the Lord
Faithfulness - Fear of the Lord/Knowledge
Gentleness - Understanding
Self Control - Wisdom/Fortitude/Fear of the Lord

Not a bad way to live your life really...Just goes to show that in today's secular world with relativism on the rise, there is still a reason for try and give a definition of living a good and moral life, and a reason to do so, even if such decision making can come at a cost. Science, and its theories of single origin and natural selection from Darwin, resulting in behaviour that benefits the group doesn't quite answer those questions.

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