Friday, December 2, 2022

Ye's interview on Infowars

Had a bit of a listen to Ye on Alex Jones. Once again, there is the odd good point in a stream of consciousness with a heavy dose of Anti-Semitism.

The start seemed ok...Ye has a problem with Pornography and believes that Paedophilia is at the heart of it and all sex work. So anyone who participates in those things, is in fact supporting paedophilia.  Also said Instagram was a prostitution ring. Look, brutal, but not outside the lines. I think there is no doubt that the increased sexualisation of the world has leaked into childhood as well and resulted in a greater acceptance of deviate behaviour against children. And the rise of Instagram lead directly to the monetarisation of ordinary people's explicit images through Only fans and other platforms that impact family life. 

 Then he goes into the idea that there are acceptable and unacceptable groupings of people in society. Can talk about blacks or Catholics as a group, but not Jewish groups without being silenced. I mean, that is true. There is no doubt that Jewish groups are hyper sensitive of being grouped together based on their history and are more inclined to react negatively when portrayed as a collective that wishes ill on the world. But he does make good points about cancel culture. It is extremely selective about what earns you censure and what is allowed without comment.

And then the Hitler stuff started. Based on Alex Jones being upset about being called a Nazi and said that Ye wasnt a Nazi or Hitler either. But then Ye said Hitler and the Nazi's weren't that bad and did make positive contributions. Now again, he is not wrong that Germany during the war were responsible for various innovations and research that are still useful today (Ye mentions Autobanes and Microphones...not sure Nazis were responsible for either. If he said Jets and Rockets, maybe) But again, celebrating the Nazi regime for what ever reason is a taboo subject and any positive outcomes pale against the horrors they committed.

And that is all that comes out of the interview. Again, he leaves himself open to attack and hence people disregard some of the more salient points he is trying to make.

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