Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Australian Abortion Laws

 Thankfully in Australia, we have no issues of judical activism here. The states decide abortion rules via state based legislation. So we have the following rules

NSW - Abortion was illegal until 2019 (though not enforced). Post 2019, available on request before 22 weeks. After 22 weeks, need 2 doctors approval

ACT - Abortion was illegal until 2002. Now available on request before 22 weeks

VIC - Abortion illegal until 2008. Post 2008, legal on request until 24 weeks, after 24 weeks if 2 doctors agree

SA - Abortion illegal until 2021. New law has yet to take effect.

WA - Abortion illegal until 1998. Legal on request up until 20 weeks. After 20 weeks, requires 2 doctors agreeing

NT - Abortion illegal until 2017. Legal upon request until 23 weeks. After 23 weeks, if life in danger

TAS - Abortion illegal until 2013. Legal upon request to 22 weeks. After 22 weeks, requires 2 doctors agreement

So not sure why the yanks are so up in arms. Australia got there in the end. States should decide restrictions based on their parliaments and elected representatives. Not by unelected judges

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