Wednesday, March 15, 2023

When did the lack of a pride round become anti-gay?

Was listening to Kyle and Jacki O this morning when Brooklyn Ross, their news guy, reported that the NRL has announced there was not going to be a Pride Round (or a respect) round this year. Now even though there has never been a Pride Round in the NRL, Brooklyn then started a diatribe about now that meant that the NRL was anti-gay!

Come off it Brooklyn. No Pride round just means it is sexual orientation neutral. Not pro, not anti. Pretty much what every organisation should be.

And I dont blame the NRL after the debacle that was the ill-fated Manly Pride round last year, that basically cost Manly, and Des Hasler their chances for success in 2022. You cant make religious players support homosexuality without a backlash, and with a large percentage of the NRL players from the religious pacific islands, it was always going to be a disaster.

The NRL is showing the very definition of inclusivity by not prioritising any particular sexual orientation and treating them all the same. Should be the benchmark for Sports organisations going forward.

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