Friday, April 28, 2023

Artificial Intelligence - Why the fear?

 Been pondering the fear of Artificial Intelligence in the media of that. With the rise of ChatGPT, people like Elon Musk and others are now saying that this technology is posing real risks to humanity.

What a load of tosh. Unfortunately, this is just the latest in a long line of doomsday plots revolving around Scientism. There is no fear of God anymore, due to the decline of organised religion, so all we have is science based destruction..Climate Change, Nuclear War, Virus, and now AI.

AI is not sentient. It can never really be. This is pure anthropomorphism...applying human characteristics onto non human systems. And the biggest reason for it? AI will never know what death it will never fear it.

Humanity knows death. It is part of our traditions. Our lived experience. The feelings of loss of losing someone dear to us isn't just an algorithm or a stimulus. This fear of death happening to us is what drives our brains.

So much of our intelligence is based on being inside a biological shell that has a limited lifespan and is prone to the environment...something an AI will never be able to comprehend.

Hence if AI will never fear death, it will never fear us.


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