Tuesday, December 5, 2006

And the winner is…Rudd!

Yes Kevin Rudd has won the battle of the year…Leadership of the most inept opposition party in Australia. (Not including the state opposition parties of course)

But seriously, it is an interesting move by the Federal Labour Party of Australia. It will either be a masterstroke (if Labour wins government in the Federal election next year), or a stupid move (if John Howard goes marching on). The proof will be in the pudding I guess.

What is a benefit of a leadership change is that it shows movement. The Liberal Party, with control over legislation and tax payers dollars, always looks busy but the opposition looked a little tired under the Kim Beazley banner. Now with relatively young leadership (Big Kev is 49), Labour looks a little more energised. And its good to see a female in the Deputy Leadership (Yes, I know Jenny Macklin was deputy leader but really, no one else knew).

All I can hope is that Kevin’s vision and leadership is a little more exciting and relevant than his taste in gifts (Regular goat readers will recognise this joke, not that there are many of you J For everyone else see previous post about the charity gift).

As for Big Kim…it appears that he will retire after the next election. It’s a little bit of a sad end for the man. The media will say that his key legacy was the defence portfolio when he was a minister under Hawke and Keating, but as it appears mismanagement and accounting problems remain, I don’t know if that is such a lasting and positive thing.

Vale Kim, you will probably get an offer to appear on "Dancing with the stars" real soon

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