Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Flame Trees

As I was watching the recent media coverage of bush fires taking place around Australia, a pertinent question was posed to me. Where does all the water come from to fight the fires? I was thinking, that’s a bloody good question. I mean I presume it comes from rivers, dams bore water and the like, but I didn’t really know for sure.

So I went to the NSW Rural Fire service website and found this link -------
It appears that there is an act in NSW Legislation called the Rural Fires Act 1997. This allows an office of the Rural Fire Service to basically use any water from any source to control or fight a fire. It also says that no payment can be charged for this water. I don’t think they even keep a record of the water that is being used. Here is a link to the legislation for those interested----------,%20Regs%22,%20Exact%20Phrase%3D%22Rural%20Fires%20Act%22,%20Search%20In%3D%22Text%22&fullquery=(((%22Rural%20Fires%20Act%22)))

Apparently farmers can ask NSW Agriculture department for compensation for lost water from their properties, but it doesn’t really help us city folk who have to cop the lack of water through no fault of our own.

Now I’m thinking in today’s world of water restrictions, that’s a little cavalier. I’m all for using what ever it takes to fight fires close to populated areas or when there is a danger of human loss of life. However it does appear that the rural fire service has been fighting fires in the wilderness as well, using water-bombing aircraft. This is done when it is almost impossible to approach the site of the fire by road (meaning there is no people in clear and present danger)

Maybe its time to rethink this approach, or at least keep track of the water being used to fight fires every year. Maybe start using flame-retardants other than water to fight fires 20 KM away from populated areas?

The Rural Fire Service of NSW does a great job and holds an almost hero-like status in our community. I just believe that more "water conservative" policies should be employed by them rather than just giving them a blank cheque for water use.

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