Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Its not easy, being green

Once again the Green movement have shown they are not really interested in solutions to global warming.

John Howard announced yesterday that he was investigating setting up a Carbon Trading scheme. Good news for those of us, who are worried about global warming, you would think? You bet. In theory, the Green movement should be breaking out the champagne. To get John Howard, a climate sceptic, to the stage where he is investing time and money into carbon trading is a huge achievement.

However, the problem, according to the Greens is that he has stocked the task force board (the task force who will determine how the scheme will work and see if it is relevant) with Coal and energy industry types.

Now, it is true that Peter Coates company Xstrata is a big coal exporter, but isn’t that a good thing that he has a say in how a carbon trading scheme will work? Surely if a carbon trading scheme is implemented that has the approval of a guy, whose company probably contributes a huge amount of Greenhouse gases both here in Australia and abroad, that is a good thing.
It makes me wonder if the Greens are more upset that Howard is actually doing something about the environment. If he did nothing on this issue, he could be losing votes to the Green and Labor parties. Now he might be clawing some votes back by showing he is concerned about the environment. The Howard haters must be going crazy.

Let’s not beat around the bush. A carbon-trading scheme must have the approval of the guys doing the polluting and who are most likely to use it, otherwise it will be useless. Lets get some real solutions to Global warming out there that will be used by industry.

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