Wednesday, June 17, 2015

State of Origin Prediction: Queensland by 2

Based on the results of the first game, and the fact no one has a home field advantage, Queensland has a slight advantage via the ELO method.

AS far as the teams are concerned

NSW (Player form ranking in brackets)                               QLD

Dugan (71)                                                                            Slater (253)
Hopoate (66)                                                                         Boyd (293)
Jennings (135)                                                                       Inglis (73)
Morris J (193)                                                                       Hodges (234)
Morris B (268)                                                                      Chambers (53)
Pearce (134)                                                                          Thurston (131)
Hodkinson (255)                                                                   DalyCherryEvens (162)

Woods (5)                                                                              Scott (8)
Farah (107)                                                                            Smith (52)
Tamou (23)                                                                            Myles (46)
Scott (181)                                                                             Guerra (102)
Hoffman (63)                                                                         Thaiday (80)
Gallen (48)                                                                             Parker (25)

Merrin (4)                                                                               Morgan (138)
Cordner (28)                                                                           McGuire (27)
Klemmer (152)                                                                       Gillet (33)
Jackson (51)                                                                            Lilyman (50)

So QLD have a clear advantage in the forwards, but NSW have a small advantage in the backs and Interchange.

All up though, QLD are a better team in form, but not by much. Probably deserve to be favourites (but only just)

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