Monday, September 7, 2015

Best Teams of the last 6 years - z-score

With the Roosters having such a good season this year, and getting the minor premiership, I was curious just how good this team is historically, compared to other teams.

So to do this, I calculated the z-score for each team in each season. This score is calculated by finding the STDEV of each season, then calculating the win percentage of each team in that season, and then calculating the z-score ((Win Percentage - (Mean Win Percentage)/STDEV)

I did this for all 6 seasons, and then ranked the teams from highest z-score to lowest. These are the top 10 (*won Grand final)
Team                        z-score
Roosters (2015) -      1.830
Bulldogs (2012) -     1.710
Roosters (2013) -     1.649*
Rabbits (2013) -       1.649
Storm (2011) -         1.647
Dragons (2010) -     1.590*
Broncos (2015)-      1.520
Cowboys (2015)-    1.520
Storm (2012)-          1.420*
Manly (2011)-          1.410*

Looks a lot like Roosters to win...very dominant side.

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